Environment and Social Responsibility

In line with the firm belief and heartfelt belief of all managers and employees in article 50 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Gharb Cement Company has established an environmental unit in order to comply with the legal requirements of sustainable development and reduce pollution, and higher than standards and environmental indicators have taken a step towards improving the environment. It has been repeatedly encouraged by the Environmental Organization. One of the most important measures taken in this regard is the following:

  • The standard realization of 25% of the total area of the factory to the green space, considering that the total area of the factory is 75 hectares, 30 hectares of it is dedicated to green space, i.e. nearly twice the environmental standard.
  • Establishment of online dust gauge system Onlin Monitoring
  • Implementation of advanced treatment plant system
  • Implementation of drip irrigation system plan
  • Promoting environmental culture and paying attention to environmental health through the development of educational programs and holding ceremonies on environmental occasions
  • Implementation of self-asserried plan:

According to the contract with one of the trusted companies of the Environment Organization, dust particles and gases from electro-filter chimneys and bag filters, as well as the effluent of wastewater treatment system and ambient air are measured every three months, the results of which indicate compliance with the standards of the Environment Organization.

  • Modification of factory consumption pattern and alternative use of clean energy, especially the use of gas instead of mazut, removal of disposable containers, implementation of automation
  • Implementation of normal and special waste management.
  • Implementation of energy consumption optimization program.
  • Preparation and implementation of a comprehensive environmental management system
  • Meetings of the Environment Committee on a regular basis each month